Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Technological Background

I admit that I am not the most technology savvy. I am usually a few months and sometimes even years behind everyone else. Perhaps this is because I don't have a great interest in technology. It may also be because it takes me a while to figure new technological things out, and by the time I do, everyone else has moved on to the next new thing.

But I do acknowledge the importance of technology and appreciate its contribution to the world. I hope to learn lots about it so that I can incorporate it into my future classroom.


  1. Jenn, we are in about the same place as far as technology goes. I appreciate it and know it is very important, but I am not very good at staying caught up with it. I'm glad we get to learn so much about it in this IP&T class because I need to!

  2. Jenn - technology does advance pretty fast and I notice that many people - especially teachers often feel deficient. I'm glad that you seem to have a good attitude about it - that will help you learn!

    I noticed that you haven't completed the week 1 PLE posting. You still need to complete the blog list with your team member's blogs on it by today. See
