Monday, January 26, 2009

Technology Tool...iMovie

I just discovered yet another tool that I had never heard of before: iMovie. This would be an awesome way for kids to present information that they have gathered and researched in science or math. iMovie offers numerous ways to present information in a fun and interesting way. One particular feature that I thought would be useful is it offers maps and themes. Maybe students could add maps to a movie about the different climates or environments. The possibilities are endless.


TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. It is the knowledge of how to use technology to support content-specific pedagogical methods and strategies. It is important for teachers to have knowledge in all three domains (technology, pedagogy, and content). If a teacher is qualified in all of these three areas, and integrates their knowledge into each of their lessons, student learning will soar.

To me, the following are some of the best tools available for integrating technology into the classroom: Google Earth and Sky, Virtual Pond, Celestia, Kidsperation, and Digital Microscope. These technological tools can really help students DO science and math.

Friday, January 16, 2009

RSS feeds

This week I have learned all about RSS feeds. Knowing my technological background, it will not be a surprise to you that I had never heard of "RSS" before. But I think it is a brilliant idea! I am excited to apply RSS feeds to my personal life, but more importantly, I am excited to use them for educational purposes. As a teacher, I will frequently be visiting particular sites, and it will be very convenient to have information sent to me rather than having to seek it out.

I have also learned how to add a link list to my blog. This will also be a valuable thing to know as a teacher; it will definitely save me time to have a collection of "frequently visited" links on my blog site.

One of the videos I watched about this topic mentioned that RSS feeds can be addicting...and I have to admit that is what I am discovering.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Technological Background

I admit that I am not the most technology savvy. I am usually a few months and sometimes even years behind everyone else. Perhaps this is because I don't have a great interest in technology. It may also be because it takes me a while to figure new technological things out, and by the time I do, everyone else has moved on to the next new thing.

But I do acknowledge the importance of technology and appreciate its contribution to the world. I hope to learn lots about it so that I can incorporate it into my future classroom.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Day

Today is my first day blogging. I don't know what I'm doing.